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  • Writer's pictureJim Gagen

Old School – (Revisiting an old blog) Classic Coke Returns to Cable News

Rising like a Phoenix…

Fox News has risen from the nearly dead like Classic Coke by going back to their old successful formula geared to their conservative audience. While “nearly dead” may be an exaggeration, the analogy of the rising phoenix is appropriate.

A little over a year ago, after the election in November 2020, I wrote about how Fox News lost much of their viewership as it seemed like they changed their formula of being one of the few conservative television news outlets, based on some of their air personalities and the things their news anchors said. Now, a year later, several of their more liberal personalities have left, they have reworked their schedule utilizing more conservative program hosts and viola, their ratings are back up and stronger than ever:

In fact, eight of the top ten cable programs for the week of January 17, 2022 were Fox News Programs with the only two Non-Fox News Programs being ESPN’s NFL Playoff Pre-Game and Game.

Old School Moral of the Story

When you screw up and stray from your successful brand formula, quickly realize it and fix it by going back to what made you successful.

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